The digital MP3 player stands for MPEG or Motion Pictures Experts Group – in its third evolution. Such technology accesses audio files and compresses them into small files that still uphold the quality of the sound. Because these audio files are compressed, you can sometimes fit literally thousands of songs into one digital MP3 player.
The digital MP3 player actually links with your computer and allows you to download music from online resources. You need only purchase those songs – for a nominal fee - in which you are interested and download them onto your digital MP3 player.
Executive Summary about mp3 digital player by Michelle Berry
Building Your Digital Music Collection
The first thing to address may be the term “MP3 player.” Many of these devices play MP3 files, in addition to a variety of other formats.
There are numerous software titles available that make creating MP3 files from CDs (or other sources) a simple process.
Microsoft’s Windows Media Player (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/mp10/default.aspx) is one program that any Windows user already has that is more than ready for basic WMA and MP3 file creation.
Some names worth checking out include EZ CD-DA (Digital Audio) Extractor (http://www.poikosoft.com/), EZ MP3 Creator (http://www.linasoft.com/ezmp3c.html), and Virtuosa (http://www.virtuosa.com/index.php).
The files obtained from legitimate download services are protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management), which restricts the use of the downloaded files to a limited number of computers and compatible portable devices, as well as protecting the songs from redistribution by the end user.
Apple’s iTunes (http://www.apple.com/itunes/) may be the best known source for individual file downloads, thanks in no small part to the incredible popularity of the iPod MP3 player.
Many other outlets offer digital music files for download, and even some mainstream brick-and-mortar stores have found their way onto the scene. Just as they have done with retail sales, Wal-Mart (http://www.walmart.com/music_downloads/introToServices.do) has managed to undercut the competition with their 88 cent music downloads.
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Everyone is familiar with Napster (http://www.napster.com/) as one of the pioneers of file sharing, but they are back with a legitimate approach to music downloads.
Executive Summary about mp3 digital player by Jason Kohrs
Ceck out my other guide on Flash Mp3 Players
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