MP3 Players which store your files on a hard disk drive increase memory significantly with the likelihood that a high-capacity player would be able to hold thousands of songs and quite possibly your entire music collection. To estimate the storage capacity of an MP3 player it's important to know that a typical good quality song will use about 4.5MB of memory so a 1 GB player can accommodate around 220 songs.
Deciding whether you want to watch videos and view photos on your MP3 player is a good place to start. This also helps to determine whether you need a colour screen as well as the size of the screen itself.
Other mp3 player functions include voice recorders, alarm clock and even waterproof options so if surfing whilst singing along to your tunes sounds like your idea of fun there's a product out there for you!
Executive Summary about mp3 player audio by Isla Campbell
How to Choose For Your Ideal MP3 Player
When you are choosing a MP3 player:
1) Decide how much memory you need.
2) What kinds of memory storage do you prefer, flash memory type or hard disk type.
Normally flash type memory they are more commonly available with 512MB or 1GB memory size. Hard disk memory type can have a minimum of 4GB of memory space to up to 60GB or even more storage capabilities. Flash type memory is more resistant to shock than hard disk type memory because hard disk have moving components in the interior of the hard disk which will cause failure when experiencing huge amount of shock/impact.
3) Types of file format the MP3 player can support.
.wav - standard audio file format used mainly in Windows PCs.
.mp3 - the MPG Layer-3 format is the most popular format for downloading and storing music.
.wma - the popular Windows Media Audio format owned by Microsoft.
.mid - the midi file is not an audio file format at all. The above are some of the most common MP3 file format that a basic MP3 player should be able to play.
4) An installation CD and manual guide of the MP3 Player.
Executive Summary about mp3 player audio by Isla Campbell
Ceck out my other guide on Flash Mp3 Players
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